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The Power to Change: How to Set Up and Run Support Groups for Victims and Survivors of Domestic Violence

Daphne Project
Year Published:
Resource Type:
Technical Guidance

Domestic violence is physical, sexual, psychological or financial abuse that takes place within an intimate or family-type relationship and that forms a pattern of coercive and controlling behaviour. One in four women, regardless of ethnicity, religion, class, age, sexuality, disability or lifestyle, will experience domestic abuse in their lifetime. Domestic abuse should be seen within the context of all forms of gender-based violence against women, and as a violation of women’s human rights. Violence against women encompas ses rape and sexual assault, sexual abuse and exploitation, sexual harassment, traffic king and exploitation in the sex industry, female genital mutilation, forced marriage and so called ‘honour crimes’, and is described by the United Nations as “a manifestation of historically unequal power relations between men and women."

This manual outlines some of the practical and organisational considerations required to set up support groups for survivors of domestic violence in a way that enhances their safety and self-esteem. It also presents three possible mo de ls, any of which can be used as a basis for running such groups. Two of these models are facilitated support group programmes and the third model is that of the unfacilitated self-help group.