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The Enabling Environment for Animal Source Food Market System Success

Feed the Future
Year Published:
Resource Type:
Evaluations and Research

Animal source foods (ASF) market systems present significant potential to facilitate inclusive economic growth, resilient livelihoods, and improved household nutrition. Attaining this potential however will rely on improving the enabling environment — the formal rules, informal norms, and implementing institutions — which influence incentives for ASF production, marketing, and service provision.

The Feed the Future Enabling Environment for Food Security (EEFS) project has developed this guidance document, based upon a comprehensive literature review, to identify a set of factors in the enabling environment that support competitiveness, inclusiveness, resilience, and nutrition-sensitive impacts from ASF systems. U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Missions, Operating Units, and Implementing Partners; other development agencies; impact investors; private sector enterprises; and national policymakers can leverage this guide to identify whether and to what degree these enabling environment factors are in place to inform and target investments in ASF for maximum impact.