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Planning for What's Next: Scenario Planning in Food Security Activities

photo of women walking
Kate Stanworth / Save the Children
8:00am - 9:30am

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The COVID-19 pandemic has reminded us how rapidly our implementing context can change and reinforced the importance of being able to adapt programming to new circumstances. Scenario planning is a tool that can help programs do just that.

This interactive session will explore the concept of scenario planning with the objectives to:

  • Develop a shared understanding of what we mean by scenario planning, recognizing it is a broad discipline that can be conducted in many different ways and also called by different names, such as contingency planning, etc.
  • Agree on some common principles that underpin scenario planning, despite the different terminology and approaches.
  • Explore interest among participants in tools, resources, and future engagements that would support intentional integration of scenario planning in their BHA*-funded activities.

We will discuss and define scenario planning terms in the context of adaptive management as used in USAID-funded programs and hear use case examples to learn why some activities have used scenario planning and how. Participants will also have an opportunity to discuss their own experiences of scenario planning and what resources, tools, and support they would find helpful moving forward.

This event is primarily geared towards senior management and other relevant staff of USAID's Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA)-funded emergency and development activities, including local implementing partner organizations.

Access the Adaptive Management Collection