A photo of a person washing their hands over a plastic basin from a water jug.
Sacha Myers / Save the Children
9:00am - 10:00am ET

The WASHPaLS team designed the SanPlan tool—a free web-based application for employing publicly available spatial data to guide sanitation programming—based on learnings from its multi-year research activities on factors that influence sanitation program success. SanPlan features overlays of multiple datasets in way that allows users to explore and query spatial information to improve location targeting, budgeting, and program design. It also includes a customized map layer developed to classify communities and geographic areas into three typologies of accessibility—rural remote, rural on-road, and rural mixed—which can be used for determining the type of sanitation intervention most suitable for a particular area.
This preview of the SanPlan Tool and a small group discussion to follow. Presenters of the tool will include representatives of Global Communities and WaterAid as well as the WASHPaLS team. Your participation and feedback will be instrumental in making sure the tool best meets WASH sector needs. 
