Natural Resource Management Peer Learning Group

A man uses a pump to draw water into an irrigation system. There are trees in the background of the photo.
Mustafa Saeed / Save the Children

Welcome to the Natural Resource Management (NRM) Peer Learning Group! PRO-WASH & SCALE has launched this informal group to share learning, challenges, and insights in adapting and supporting natural resources management. The learning group will be focused on watershed, rangeland, and landscape-level NRM strategies, best practices, tools, impact measurement, and sustainability, including community-led approaches and governance. During each online session, we will vote on a new topic and learn together.

The group will meet every other month, with calls scheduled for 8:00 AM ET / 4:00 PM EAT on October 18, 2023; December 6, 2023; February 21, 2024; April 17, 2024; and June 19, 2024.

Click the button below to send a blank email to join the group email listserv. To confirm your identity and protect your information, a message containing a validation link will be sent to the e-mail address you provided. Once subscribed you will receive a welcome email with all the details you need to add the meeting series to your calendar.


 We look forward to a series of rich learning opportunities and conversations!