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Evaluations and Research

The Amalima Development Food Assistance Project (DFAP) was awarded in Fiscal Year 2013 and designed to address the causes of food and nutrition insecurity in Zimbabwe through a set of innovative approaches, building on existing communal initiatives and solidarity to strengthen resilience.

This brief summarizes the results of the final evaluation conducted by TANGO International. The evaluation measured Amalima’s development outcomes and presents evidence that:

  • The focus on addressing the demand for water for livestock and crops ultimately resulted in an improved household diet diversity;
  • Community resilience was improved through activities such as disaster risk reduction groups and by leveraging social capital for systemic change;
  • Great improvements were made in maternal and child health and nutrition as a result of interconnected and targeted health, nutrition, and agricultural interventions; and
  • WASH initiatives led to improved accessibility and efficiency of health services, as well as positive and sustainable behavior change.

Click here for the full report.