United Nations Sustainable Development Group
United Nations Sustainable Development Group
Year Published:
Resource Type:
Technical Guidance

This guidance document is designed to enhance the effectiveness, catalytic impact, and usability of joint programs (JPs). Developed in response to guidance and decisions by member states, lessons from experience, and identified needs by UN Country Teams (UNCTs), it introduces significant changes to streamline JPs and make them more user-friendly for rapid implementation, minimizing transaction costs. Moreover, it is a practical resource derived from the guidance for effective joint programs. It provides a step-by-step guide for implementing joint programs in a user-friendly manner, focusing on rapid execution and reduced transaction costs. The guidance document  incorporates lessons learned from experience and member states' decisions to offer practical insights and tools for successful joint program implementation. This resource is essential for project managers, UN Country Teams, and practitioners involved in the implementation of joint programs. It is particularly useful for those seeking practical guidance on streamlining processes and minimizing transaction costs.