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Mid-Term Evaluation of the Tuendelee Pamoja II Development Food Security Activity in the DRC

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Evaluations and Research

This resource is the Mid-Term Evaluation of the Tuendelee Pamoja II Development Food Security Activity in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). In FY 2016, the U.S. Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Office of Food for Peace (FFP) issued an award to Food for the Hungry (FH) Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to implement a Development Food Security Activity (DFSA) in Tanganyika and South Kivu provinces. It is a five-year activity (September 2016 to September 2021) with a budget of $71 million for the five years. It is a follow-on activity to the Development Food Assistance Program (DFAP) TPI, which operated in the same geographic zones between 2011 and 2016. Prior to TPI, FH implemented the Multi-Year Assistance Project (MYAP) in Kalemie and Moba between 2008 and 2011.

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