Partnership for Resilience and Economic Growth (PREG) II Impact Evaluation: Baseline Survey
This report presents the baseline resilience analysis of the second phase of USAID-funded Partnership for Resilience and Economic Growth (PREG II) project in northern Kenya. The objective of this impact evaluation (IE) is to provide insight into how household resilience capacities affect income and food security outcomes and perceived recovery in the face of shocks that the households experience in the arid and semi-arid lands counties covered by PREG. This IE baseline study provides estimates against which to monitor and assess the progress and effectiveness of PREG II activities during implementation and after the activity is completed. The PREG II IE seeks to answer several research questions on household coping strategies and resilience capacities. This baseline study gathers data that answer some of the research questions now; other questions will be addressed in subsequent recurrent monitoring surveys and the endline survey.