Action Against Hunger
Year Published:
Resource Type:
Technical Guidance

This is perhaps the most comprehensive guidebook on WASH and nutrition available. It includes everything from a review of conceptual linkages between the sectors all the way to guidance on program implementation, governance strategy, and M&E. The guidebook also includes a list of sources of for in-depth technical information (projects, platforms, and organizations) as well as programmatic resources such as a Multi-Sector Initial Rapid Assessment booklet, a WASH-nutrition logical framework, and even budget lines. It is published by Action Against Hunger but with support from a range of partners.

Ce guide pratique démontre qu’il est essentiel d’inclure d’une part des éléments WASH dans les programmes nutritionnels et d’autre part des aspects nutritionnels dans les interventions WASH (en les rendant plus sensibles à la nutrition). Il contient des informations et des outils exploitables par les professionnels du domaine pour la conception et la mise en oeuvre de programmes WASH et Nutrition efficaces.