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Community Volunteers Deliver Integrated Prevention and Treatment Services to Reduce Child Wasting in Chad

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Technical Guidance

In 2020, the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), UNICEF, AfricSanté, and the Sahel Association for Applied Research and Sustainable Development (ASRADD) partnered to implement the Integrated Research on Acute Malnutrition (IRAM) study in Chad to assess the implementation and impact of interventions delivered along the continuum of care for wasting (from prevention to treatment) through community-level platforms. The main objective was to generate evidence on the reach, adoption, effectiveness, implementation, and maintenance of an integrated package of services designed to drastically reduce child wasting over a short timeframe. Read this policy brief to learn about the study, the approach taken, some key findings, and policy implications.

This study was made possible by a grant from the Implementer-Led Design, Evidence, Analysis and Learning (IDEAL) Activity. The IDEAL Small Grants Program is made possible by the generous support and contribution of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).