Rural Agro-enterprise Development Project | Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT)
Year Published:
Resource Type:
Tools & Manuals

This manual is the third in a series designed to support agencies implementing a territorial approach to rural business development. The manual series currently includes:

  1. A guide to developing partnerships and territorial characterization
  2. A guide to identifying market opportunities for smallholder producers and processors
  3. Strategies to improve the competitiveness of market chains for smallholder producers
  4. Collective marketing for small-scale producers
  5. A guide to evaluating and strengthening Rural Business Development Services

These manuals are designed for use by service providers in assisting farmers group’s and local actors within a community / territory to develop skills in agro-enterprise development. The service provider should use this manual as a guide and adapt the process to the local situations based on available resources and anticipated scale of implementation. The service provider should read this manual in its entirety to absorb the ideas and concepts prior to going to the field.