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Local Women’s Full and Equal Participation in Humanitarian Action, Development Work, and Peacebuilding: The key to the Triple Nexus’ Successful Implementation

Global Network of Women Peacebuilders
Global Network of Women Peacebuilders
Year Published:
Resource Type:
Evaluations and Research

The Global Network of Women Peacebuilders (GNWP) developed case studies on the implementation of the Triple Nexus in Bangladesh and the Democratic Republic of Congo, where it has ongoing programs. In both countries, GNWP has worked to elevate women and youth peacebuilders as decision-makers in humanitarian action; build local women’s and communities’ resilience to threats and violence; and advocate for gender-responsive and conflict-sensitive humanitarian action and crisis recovery. The Triple Nexus approach – humanitarian, development, and peace actors using their respective comparative advantage towards collective outcomes – has the potential to transform gender inequalities, invest in local women’s leadership and agency, and effectively prevent and respond to gender-based violence. The case studies argue that local women’s full and equal participation in humanitarian action, development work, and peacebuilding is the key to the Triple Nexus’ successful implementation.