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Models for Strengthening Last Mile Seed Production and Distribution in Fragile Contexts

SCALE and ISSD Africa
SCALE | Integrated Seed Sector Development in Africa
Year Published:
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Case Studies
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Developed by SCALE and Integrated Seed Sector Development in Africa (ISSD Africa), the four cases presented here offer inspiring examples of models for strengthening last mile seed production and distribution for better seed systems resilience in fragile environments from Burundi, Mozambique, Niger, and South Sudan. Documentation on seed production and distribution tends to be slim for fragile contexts, and this set of cases aims to reduce the knowledge and lessons gap. The cases provide examples of approaches to reach smallholder farmers, highlighting: what seems to work, what might best be dropped, and how to respond to various challenges. Please note, they may need to be tailored further in other contexts, and as conditions and businesses evolve through time.