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Northeast Nigeria Resilience Study Workshop

Amina holds her younger sibling Saratou, who has recently recovered from pneumonia, outside their home in Jigawa State, Nigeria
Save the Children
12:00am - 11:59pm
The REAL Award

This Stakeholder Workshop focused on the Recurrent Monitoring Survey (RMS) component of the USAID-funded REAL Northeast Nigeria Resilience Study. The workshop aimed to shape the synthesis of all four RMS rounds and the in-depth qualitative inquiry. The RMS collects qualitative and quantitative information about household changes in resilience capacities, coping strategies, food security outcomes, and exposure to shocks over time. The study team has collected four rounds of RMS data at periodic intervals since August 2022, from a panel sample of households, communities, and service providers affiliated with the USAID Feed the Future Rural Resilience Activity in NE Nigeria. 

The Preliminary Findings Presentation was held virtually on Monday, December 4th at 3:30 WAT (9:30 AM ET). The presentation highlighted key findings over the four rounds of RMS data collection and the relationship between resilience capacities, household well-being, and the use of program-targeted market services and production practices. Learn more about the resources here.
